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Leor Barack
- Author in Time-domain metric reconstruction for self-force applications
- Co-author in Progress at second order
- Marc Casals
- Jezreel Castillo
- Peter Diener
- Charles Evans
- Eanna Flanagan
- Erik Forseth Graham Capital Management
- Jonathan Gair
- Chad Galley
- Paco Giudice
- Anna Heffernan
- Tanja Hinderer
- Seth Hopper
- Alexandre Le Tiec
- Carlos Lousto
Jeremy Miller
- Co-author in Progress at second order
- Jordan Moxon
- Christopher Munna
- Zach Nasipak
Thomas Osburn
- Co-author in Scalar self-force for generic bound orbits on Kerr
- Thomas Osburn
- Adrian Ottewill
Adam Pound
- Author in Progress at second order
- Co-author in Progress towards multiscale EMRI approximation: zones and scales
- Adam Pound
- Karl Simon Revelar
- Ira Rothstein
- Joseph Rudmin
- Bernard Schutz
- Takahiro Tanaka
- Andrea Taracchini
- Jonathan Thompson
- Jonathan Thornburg
- Maarten van de Meent
- Ian Vega
- Justin Vines
- Niels Warburton
Niels Warburton
- Co-author in Progress at second order
- Barry Wardell
- Barry Wardell
- Bernard Whiting
- Kei Yamada
- Huan Yang
Aaron Zimmerman
- Author in Transient Instabilities of Nearly Extremal Black holes
- Author in Update on LIGO